20 August 2009


salam. i already read and watch PS I LOVE YOU.so, this is some words that i remember in the novel:-
~ Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful feeling. But finding a true soulmate is an even better feeling. A soulmate is someone who understands you like no other, will be there for you for ever no matter what.
~ Move on to the next chapter of her life, bringing wonderful memories with her and experiences that would teach her and help would her future.
~ We will feel scared at times- there's nothing wrong with that- but there will come a day when you will stop feeling scared.
~ Learn to love yourself.Learn to love your new life. Dont let you entire life revolve around your job.There's move to it and than that.

so sweet and meaningful. so, read and watch it. its wonderful. I loves the song from THE POGUES- Love you 'till the end.A unique song and meaningful. so, tomorrow i will going back to home sweet home. cant wait and berpuasa kat rumah.so, SELAMAT MEYAMBUT RAMADHAN AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS =)

1 comment:

jeje said...

salam..thnx so much for ur concern..love all those words..hahai..cmt menyambot bln poce..mintak maap kalo ade terkasar bhs..terkhilaf perbuatan...poce jgn x poce..cyg kamo bangat!!!!cowi coz lame x kontek ko..ko phm jelah ak..kalo ngah kusut ni dah xnmpk muka sesape lagi..ak nmpk bantal bucuk ngn tilam jew..kui3..ok..all d best with all ur coming activities, exam and bla3...daaa~