22 November 2011


Midas with Baby.  I miss this pair so much.


Jun Sang Wook @ Midas  is retires as progamer. Thanks to supernovamaniac for the news again. Seem Midas will be join the military on January 2012. 

I'm shock when I read the news. Seriously, after Tempest and now Midas. Two news of progamers retire in same day and I'm shock and speechless. But back to reality, progamer are human like us too.

To Midas, good luck in future. Thank you for the memories. From you with SKT T1 and WeMade Fox. How you take care your teammates especially Baby back with WeMade Fox. Thanks again. I will remember and miss you so much.

Midas fighting!!!!

Credit to DES for the picture and TL for the link. 

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