13 November 2011




Meet Lucifer. He is play with KTF before traded to WeMADE Fox on August 2009. Now after Fox been disband, he is retired from be progamer. Goodbye Lucifer. Thank you for the memories especially back when you with KTF. Wish you good luck in future. Lucifer fighting!!!!! 

Since Lucifer retired, now only left one Lee Young Ho which is Flash. Yes, Lucifer and Flash have same name. I wish if you still play well when you with Fox just like back when you with KTF :(



Now, meet Zerg[kal]. I gonna miss him. He is the rookie from MBCGame Hero. He really has great potential in future but after MBCGame Hero been disband, he is choose to retired from be progamer.  I will always remember his game vs s2 in SPL 10-11 because he win with his great built. Good Luck Zerg[kal]. 

P/S: Now I wonder what actually happen to Major ( WeMADE Fox player). After Fox been disband, I never heard news about him anymore. Anyone? so curious since he and Lucifer are once KTF player before been traded to Fox too in late of 2009. 

Credit to Fomos and DES  for the pictures. 

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