06 November 2011


I read the news at TL regarding of the 8th team. The players are:-

  • Jaedong 
  • Killer
  • Ryul2
  • Sea
  • Baby
  • Speed
  • Jaehoon
  • Tyson
  • Sang

The head coach/manager is Joon Hoon. He is ex SKT Head coach which is for me one of the best coach in BW. The coach is Han Song Yong which is Oz coach. I hope they will choose Pusan as Protoss coach.I saw great improvement on Protoss line in MBCGame Hero last season especially Jaehoon. By the way, all protoss player is from MBCGame Hero and I'm gald Jaehoon still same team with Tyson and Sea.

This is great news. Thanks to waxangel for the news. I'm really appreciate it. Can't wait for new season.

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