20 June 2011


Today in SPL : SKt vs MBC & KT vs CJ. Let’s talk about KT vs CJ first. CJ win 4-2 and thanks to Hydra, Movie,BByong & Leta.

Set 1: Hydra vs Flash

Set 2: BByong vs Action

Set 3: Snow vs Stats

Set 4: Movie vs CH

Set 5:Horang2 vs HoeJJa

Set 6: Leta vs Tempest

While SKT win 4-1 vs MBC and thanks to Best, Bisu,Soo & s2.

Set 1: Sea vs Fantasy

Set 2: Tyson vs Bisu

Set 3: Jaehoon vs Soo

Set 4: Shark vs Best

Set 5: Hyun vs s2

Not a good day as MBC & KT fan but its ok. Flash lost….which make me worried not because his lost but his wrist? Flash, get well soon. Even though KT lost but watch HoeJJa win is awesome :DDD Sick build and great game. Sorry Horang2.

While Shark play today and he face Best. Even though he lost, but its great game. Sea win again and this time vs Fantasy. Fantasy, he is not in slump right????? I knew MBC and KT will win again. MBC & KT fighting!!!!!!!! HoeJJa win = I’m happy.

Congrats to SKT & CJ :D

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