08 June 2011


Today in SPL : KT vs KHAN & MBC vs FOX. I totally forget today SPL will start at 1300(Korean time) cz I thought it will start at 1800 (Korean time). Never mind. KT win 4-3 and thanks to Tempest, Action and Stats( he win twice today).

Set 1: Jangbi vs CH

Set 2: Reality vs Flash

Set 3: Stork vs Stats

Set 4: Brave vs Tempest

Set 5: great vs Action

Set 6:Turn vs HoeJJa

Set 7: Stork vs Stats

While in MBC vs FOX, FOX win 4-2 and thanks to Mind, hero,Wooki ( he is doing good every time been send out) & Baby.

Set 1: Tyson vs Pure

Set 2: Jaehoon vs Midas

Set 3: Sea vs Mind

Set 4: zerg(kal) vs hero(join)

Set 5:Hyun vs Wooki

Set 6:Check vs Roro

MBC lost but see Jaehoon win , its ok. Check..poor him. Lost again I think this is his 3rd appearance in SPL ( correct me if i'm mistake). He must really nervous and today he face Roro, imo Roro is one of the consistent player now. Never mind. it's ok. MBC fighting!!!! Hyun....hope he will be ok. Wooki, imo he will great player in future. He always win every time been send out.

While KT win :D I'm happy but Flash and HoeJJa lost =(. Flash, its ok. Your fans will always support you. Turn win vs HoeJJa. Turn, I'm so excited see he play today and will watch the vods ASAP. The main reason because he play aggressively like zerg player :D Its ok HoeJJa.Stats, hope he will maintain his performance after this. He win twice today and both vs Stork. Congrats Stats.

Flash, actually I'm worried about his wrist since he has MSL final this Saturday but I'm sure he will be doing ok. Tempest win. Just wonder its every player that been interviewed in doorbell (fomos) doing good now? Hyuk win yesterday, Jangbi,Best,Pure,HoeJJa, Tempest,Midas, Skyhigh and I think each of player that been interviewed had broke their losing streak now except Bisu since Bisu doing great in this season. Saint will interview next in doorbell. Can't wait :D

Congrats to KT and FOX.

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